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How To Overcome Facial Paralysis

Facial paralysis treatment Chicago

Facial paralysis occurs when a person is unable to move some or all of their facial muscles. It can present on one or both sides of the face and is most noticeable when a person can no longer activate the facial muscles of the eyelids, eyebrows, and mouth. The severity of facial paralysis varies from patient to patient.

Living with facial paralysis can be difficult and frustrating. If you are living with facial paralysis, you should schedule an appointment with Dr. Marco Ellis. Dr. Ellis has experience and training in the management of facial paralysis. Here, he discusses some of the most effective methods to overcome facial paralysis.

Static Treatment

Each patient is unique and so too is their facial paralysis treatment. Before initiating any type of facial paralysis treatment, Dr. Ellis will conduct a comprehensive evaluation during which he will evaluate the areas affected and go over the available treatment options.

One of the treatment options that Dr. Ellis may discuss is static treatment. There are a number of different static treatment options available. These treatments are designed to camouflage facial asymmetry. For example, if the paralysis affects one eyebrow, treatment may focus on lifting that eyebrow to add balance to the face. Static treatments can often be complemented with additional treatments such as Botox and fillers to achieve the desired aesthetic results.

Dynamic Treatment

Dynamic procedures focus on restoring control over muscles. These complex solutions require a knowledgeable and experienced facial nerve surgeon like Dr. Ellis to perform the procedure. The most common dynamic treatment is masseter nerve transfer. The procedure involves rerouting a jaw nerve to power the muscles of the upper lip. Another procedure that Dr. Ellis can perform involves transplanting nerves and muscles to provide new functionality.

Other Options

Dr. Ellis specializes in dynamic and static treatment options for facial paralysis. However, these may not be the only treatment options that a patient explores. Other options may include time, facial exercises, and medication.

Keep in mind that treatments can complement each other. This means that instead of just one treatment, patients can often benefit from a combination of treatments to meet their unique needs.

Contact Dr. Ellis Today

Dr. Ellis understands that the needs of every patient are unique when it comes to facial paralysis. That is why he tailors each and every treatment plan to the individual needs of the patient. Dr. Ellis has the expertise necessary to advise you regarding your facial paralysis treatment options. Contact Dr. Ellis today to schedule a consultation by calling (312) 695-6022.