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Tummy Tuck in Chicago

Tummy tuck Chicago ILAbdominoplasty, better known as tummy tuck, is a popular cosmetic surgery aimed at adding smoothness and firmness to the stomach by removing loose skin. When the abdomen gets larger — through weight gain or pregnancy — the skin expands to accommodate the belly’s new size. Unfortunately, when the abdomen shrinks to a smaller size, many people discover that their skin does not retract along with it, creating a “pooch” or “muffin top” around the belly. No amount of diet and exercise can eliminate excess skin.

As one of Chicago’s most revered plastic surgeons, Dr. Marco Ellis has helped many patients to achieve their ideal physique with abdominoplasty. He expertly removes excess skin, tightening the tummy for appealing body contours.

Good Candidates for Tummy Tuck

Good candidates for tummy tuck have loose skin around their midsection that they would like to improve and have reasonable expectations about what plastic surgery can achieve. They should be non-smokers who are in good health overall.

During a consultation, Dr. Ellis examines each patient’s candidacy. Depending on the condition of the patient’s stomach, he may recommend combining liposuction to attain optimal results. Both procedures work best on patients who are close to their goal weight.

Tummy Tuck Procedure Details

Dr. Ellis makes an incision near the bikini line where the subsequent scar can be concealed with most types of underwear. Through this incision, he excises loose skin and removes small deposits of fat. He can also repair abdominal muscles that have shifted out of place to add tone and definition to the stomach. He then sutures the remaining skin so that the stomach appears flat and smooth. If necessary, Dr. Ellis may adjust the size and positioning of the belly button so that it looks more natural on the body.

Tummy Tuck Recovery

Tummy tuck Chicago ILPatients should plan to rest and relax in the days following surgery. Because their mobility will be impaired, they must arrange to have someone drive them home and take care of their basic needs like cooking and cleaning for the first couple days. Most patients take 10 to 14 days off work before returning to their jobs. Strenuous exercise should be avoided for at least six weeks, or until Dr. Ellis gives his permission.

Some amount of pain is inevitable, but it can be managed with prescription or over-the-counter medication. Swelling and bruising should also be expected. Patients should stay hydrated and eat nutritious foods to accelerate the healing process. They should also always wear their compression garment (except when bathing) to minimize swelling and encourage better aesthetic results.

Tummy Tuck Results

Post-surgical swelling will disguise the results initially, though improvements should be noticeable after a week or two. For most patients, the full transformation is visible within a few months.

The changes achieved with tummy tuck are considered permanent because the skin and fat cells removed during the procedure cannot return. Patients who want to keep a flatter tummy for the rest of their lives are encouraged to maintain their weight. Significant weight fluctuation can cause the stomach to expand and the skin to stretch again, which can undo the surgical results.

Tummy Tuck FAQs

Do I need tummy tuck or liposuction?

Tummy Tuck Chicago While both surgeries can help to recontour the midsection, it depends on the patient which is the right option. For patients who have stubborn deposits of fat around their belly that have been resistant to diet and exercise, liposuction is usually the best solution. For patients who have loose skin adding volume to their midsection, tummy tuck is more appropriate. Many patients combine these surgeries for maximum improvement. Dr. Ellis can customize a surgical plan after evaluating you during a consultation.

What is mini tummy tuck?

Mini tummy tuck is a modified version of the full surgery that exclusively focuses on the skin underneath the navel, which requires a smaller incision (and therefore less downtime). Dr. Ellis only recommends this surgery to women with a small amount of skin laxity on the lower abdomen since the belly button and nearby skin are not affected by this approach. While most of his patients can benefit from the full surgery, he can determine the right procedure during a consultation.

Will tummy tuck improve my stretch marks?

Yes, when Dr. Ellis pulls your abdominal skin tighter, this effectively smooths out the stretch marks between your belly button and bikini line. Stretch marks outside of this region, particularly those above the navel, are not addressed with this surgery.

What kind of scarring can I expect after tummy tuck?

With proper care, your surgical scar should fade significantly over time, but not completely. Dr. Ellis is careful to position his incision near the bikini line so that you can show off your flatter tummy while concealing your scar underneath underwear or bikini bottoms.

How much weight can tummy tuck help me to lose?

Tummy Tuck procedure in Chicago Dr. Marco Ellis can remove a small amount of fat when performing tummy tuck (and moderately more if combined with liposuction), but abdominoplasty is primarily a skin tightening surgery that should not significantly affect your weight. This cosmetic surgery is most effective on patients who are near their goal weight. If you would like to lose weight, Dr. Ellis suggests diet and exercise and then seeking cosmetic surgery after your weight has stabilized to further improve your contours.

Is it okay to have a child after tummy tuck?

Abdominoplasty is perfectly safe for women who decide to have children later. However, you should be aware that a pregnancy is very likely to undo the cosmetic improvements achieved with tummy tuck since it will re-stretch your abdominal skin. Therefore, it often makes sense to wait to have this surgery until you feel reasonably certain that your family is complete.

What happens to my belly button when I have tummy tuck?

When Dr. Ellis re-drapes your abdominal skin, your belly-button hole is eliminated, but the stalk remains in place. Dr. Ellis creates a new hole in the skin at the location of the stalk that is proportional to the new size of your abdomen, for a natural appearance. Although creating this hole requires an additional incision, scarring hides easily within the belly button.

Speak to Dr. Ellis about Abdominoplasty

Dr. Ellis’s patients adore his warmth, professionalism and expertise. If loose skin is standing in the way of attaining your ideal stomach, then tummy tuck may be the solution for you. To arrange a consultation with Dr. Ellis, please call (312) 695-6022.

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