Gynecomastia is a medical condition in which a man’s breasts are overdeveloped or enlarged. Having fuller breasts can be a source of discomfort, embarrassment and stress for men, particularly if the breasts show through clothing or make it difficult to go shirtless. Dr. Marco Ellis offer a safe solution to gynecomastia: male breast reduction surgery.
Benefits of Male Breast Reduction
Male breast reduction patients enjoy many benefits, including:
- Boost in confidence and conventional attractiveness
- A masculine-shaped upper torso
- Expanding their wardrobe with tighter/fitted shirts
- Exercising is easier without excess tissue jiggling around the chest
Candidates for Gynecomastia Surgery
Because enlarged breast tissue often returns to a normal size after hormone levels stabilize or medication is discontinued, Dr. Ellis often recommends waiting several months and trying some lifestyle modifications to see if the problem resolves itself before trying surgery. For those patients who have dealt with gynecomastia for the long-term, surgery becomes more appropriate. Since male breast reduction is an elective procedure, all candidates should be in good health and set realistic expectations for what cosmetic surgery can achieve.
If you are bothered by oversized, feminine breasts and desire a firmer, flatter chest, Dr. Ellis can safely reduce the size of your breasts for a more classically masculine contour. The results of surgery will help you look great and feel more comfortable in your own skin.
Understanding Gynecomastia
Gynecomastia can occur at any age, and it may affect one or both breasts. It can happen for several reasons. Some men are genetically prone to enlarged breasts. Others find their breast size grows due to hormonal fluctuations, health conditions (e.g., thyroid disease, liver or kidney problems, hypogonadism) or certain medications. Bodybuilders who use steroids are also more susceptible to developing gynecomastia. Alcohol and drug use has also been known to cause gynecomastia.
Breast enlargement in gynecomastia is due to an overdevelopment of glandular tissue, which cannot be reduced with diet or exercise efforts. Gynecomastia is easily confused with pseudogynecomastia, which is simply an abundance of fatty breast tissue.
If your gynecomastia is severe, your breasts may sag and your areola (pigmented skin surrounding the nipple) may be oversized or look stretched out. Male breast reduction can correct the sagging, remove excess skin and reduce the size of the areola, too.
To qualify for male breast reduction, you should:
- Be in good health
- Not have any serious medical conditions
- Not smoke or use drugs
- Drink alcohol only in moderation
- Have a positive attitude and realistic expectations of surgery
Treatment Details
Male breast reduction is normally performed on an outpatient basis. Anesthesia is administered during the procedure.
The surgical techniques used depend on the nature of the problem. Excess glandular tissue and skin are surgically excised through discreet incisions made on the breast around the nipple-areolar complex or underneath the breast crease (where the breast meets the torso). Excess fatty tissue is removed using liposuction techniques. With liposuction, a slender, hollow tube is inserted through tiny incisions on the chest; the tube is moved back and forth to loosen fat, which is then removed from the body with gentle suction.
Often a combination of liposuction and surgical excision techniques are used to address fat, tissue and skin. The areola can also be reduced in size and relocated higher on the breast if needed.
Male Breast Reduction Recovery & Results
After surgery, your chest will be bandaged and wrapped in a support garment to help minimize swelling. The garment will also support the healing chest tissue.
You should plan to take approximately one week off work to recover. You will need to refrain from strenuous cardiovascular exercise and upper body workouts for about six weeks to give your body ample time to heal. Dr. Ellis will see you regularly during your recovery to check your healing progress and clear you to resume work and exercise.
You will notice your chest looks flatter and firmer almost immediately after surgery. Your results will stabilize and improve in the weeks and months following surgery.
In most cases, male breast reduction results are permanent, especially if the patient maintains a steady weight. However, factors like hormonal imbalance and medication use may cause breast tissue to expand once again.
Male Breast Reduction Costs
The price for male breast reduction is dependent on which surgical techniques are necessary to create appealing chest contours, as well as how much tissue, skin, and fat need to be removed. During a consultation, Dr. Ellis can devise a customized surgical plan that includes a quote so that patients may make an informed decision about their care. Financing options are available through CareCredit, a leading medical lender.
Male Breast Reduction FAQ
At what age does gynecomastia typically manifest?
Gynecomastia is most likely to affect teenage boys and older men. This is due to hormone fluctuations in the body — due to puberty in teens and to a natural decline in testosterone production in older men. With that said, gynecomastia can affect men of any age depending on the cause.
Will exercise eliminate my need for gynecomastia surgery?
Some patients see a significant improvement in their chests after losing weight. However, if fat is the main reason for prominent male breasts, this is considered pseudogynecomastia. For true cases of gynecomastia, which are caused by oversized glandular tissue, plastic surgery is the most effective solution to flatten your chest.
Does male breast reduction create scars?
All forms of plastic surgery require incisions, which will leave some scarring. The good news is that Dr. Ellis deliberately places all incisions on the natural curves of the body where scarring is hard to detect, even when the patient’s shirt is off. Consequently, Dr. Ellis’ patients are thrilled with the results, believing that having a masculine physique is worth some small scars that fade significantly over time.
Is it true that illicit/recreational drugs can cause man boobs?
Research has linked alcohol and marijuana use to gynecomastia in some men, so men who develop enlarged breast tissue while using these substances may want to try reducing or eliminating their dependency to see if that solves the problem. The link is even stronger in men who use steroids since it leads to more estrogen production, which then enlarges breast tissue.
Schedule a Consultation with Dr. Ellis
If you are interested in learning more about male breast reduction surgery for gynecomastia, please schedule a consultation with Dr. Ellis. Call (312) 695-6022 or email us today to book your appointment.